I'm William R. Pace.
Writer... filmmaker... teacher...
You can find out about them all
(and maybe more) here.


My book, The Filmmaker's Guide To Embracing Limitations, co-authored with Ingrid Stobbe, is being published July 19 by Focal Press, part of the Routledge Taylor & Francis Group!

Ingrid and I worked hard to write a book to help filmmakers learn how to not avoid what might seem like limitations or roadblocks but, instead, take advantage of them to be even more creative in their media production.

The book contains...
-- examples of blockbusters created by limitations
-- personal film war story experiences
-- interviews with world class creators
-- sets of exercises to strengthen creativity

You can pre-order now at the publisher's site and save 20% off the regular price. Click the book image to go to their site.

black video camera

Pace's Pickings

"Cammy" premiered at the Big Apple Film Festival Summer Short Film Series at the NYC AMC 25 Theater in Times Square!

My most recent short film, "Cammy," kicked off its festival run with a great screening in the heart of NYC's Times Square -- what a way to start! Now looking forward to more future fetstivals.

In the film biz, you have to be able to sum up your film in one succinct sentence known as a logline (see, there's the teacher in me at work). For "Cammy" it's...

A woman struggles to convince others she has a serious illness but everyone -- her mother, her doctor... her husband who cheated on her -- believes the problem really isn't medical. 
